A life less lived.

So i find myself lost for words. Recently had the only joy that one has slowly been torn away. That being said it appears that i may go blind before i have my eyes fixed. Right now not looking forward to that scenario in that way. Must find some solace in the darkness. Cataract surgery …


So my indoctrination begins. Haven’t been on my ADHD medication in a few weeks. This change made me again more impulsive in things I I wish not to be. I’m going to see what I can create and make. Stay tuned I’ll be posting my other websites when I have new material for them. Hope …

2021 12 25

Christmas Day I guess is a good enough day to start with the long descent into madness.     Where I go from here only the gods will know.    Ordered a pizza first time ever having the wrong pizza delivered… Is that a sign that things are changing… On a note… New Matrix movie sucks..